Sarah Raizel Avalis is an experienced non-profit professional based in Toronto, Canada. As a skilled writer and communicator, she is most interested in how communication strategies can help build and mobilize communities to achieve philanthropic goals.
Currently, Sarah Raizel works with The Power Plant – Canada’s leading non-collecting contemporary art gallery – to plan and manage events of all sizes. Additionally, she works to secure sponsorships that support The Power Plant’s mission and events.
Sarah Raizel’s passion for community-building and storytelling is felt most acutely through her work with Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism, where she manages digital marketing and social media channels. This part-time position continues her lengthy involvement with grassroots, community-based organizations.
Recently, Sarah Raizel launched Spilling My Guts on Substack, series of personal reflections and narratives on disordered eating. In it, she write about her lived experience with eating disorders in the Orthodox Jewish world.
Since 2022, Sarah Raizel has been making (amateur) crosswords. You can view and solve her puzzles here.